Beyond The Glory: Joe Frazier

Jul 17, 2023 | Sports, Videos

Joe Frazier was a true rags to riches story. He grew up in poverty on a farm in rural South Carolina, but through determination and hard work he became one of the greatest heavyweight boxers in history.

Frazier’s career was defined by his unyielding spirit and incredible skill in the ring. He won Olympic gold at the 1964 Tokyo Games, then rose to become world champion after famously defeating Muhammad Ali in 1971’s ‘Fight of The Century’. As one of boxing’s most celebrated fighters, Frazier continued to make history until retiring with a 32-4-1 record.

Now, Beyond The Glory is providing an intimate look at Joe Frazier’s life with their documentary episode about his incredible journey. This hour long special will feature interviews with family, friends and rivals as it sheds light on Frazier’s humble beginnings and his rise to becoming one of boxing greats. It also looks back on his greatest battles both inside and out of the ring, including some of his most famous bouts against Ali.

Fans of boxing or sports documentaries alike will find this episode highly engaging and informative. Through this special viewers are given insight into the life and legacy of Joe Frazier that can be found nowhere else. So don’t miss Beyond The Glory’s touching portrayal of this remarkable athlete – watch it today!

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David B