Berlinale Talents: female filmmakers struggle for success

Dec 3, 2023 | Media, People, Social, Videos

Women around the world are making their mark in the male-dominated film industry, but are times really changing? Third Person, an upcoming documentary, features interviews with five successful female filmmakers, each with their unique perspective and experience.
Iliana Sosa, Muzna Almusafer, Caitlin Mae Burke, Elit Işcan, and Laura Vandewynckel share their stories of breaking into the industry and the challenges they faced along the way. From racism and sexism to limited funding and small film industries, these women have struggled for recognition and success. Third Person explores their stories, as well as their motivations, creative visions, and the themes that inspire their work. It’s a fascinating insight into a world where women are fighting to be heard, seen, and respected as creators and innovators. Don’t miss this compelling documentary that highlights the changing landscape of the film industry in the context of the #MeToo and Time’s Up movements.

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David B