Being creative in times of the coronavirus pandemic

Nov 30, 2023 | Health, People, Videos

Across the globe, people are facing immense challenges amidst the coronavirus pandemic. However, there are those who refuse to let it get them down. In Italy, Umberto De Martino has converted his restaurant to cook for the Red Cross. In Vienna, Sonja Völker and her daughter, Marie, have started producing face masks. Mundano, a street artist in Sao Paolo, is distributing wash kits to homeless individuals, while Ines Subashka in Bulgaria continues to uplift those around her despite being forced to close her gym.
These are just a few examples of the stories featured in the upcoming documentary “Third Person”. From Europe to South America, the film explores the ways in which individuals are adapting and staying positive during these challenging times. With stunning visuals and intimate interviews, “Third Person” sheds light on the resilience and innovation of people amidst a global crisis.

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David B