Being Barack Obama’s Brother

Jul 15, 2023 | People, Videos

George Obama, the youngest of seven surviving children of Barack Obama Sr., is much more than just the brother of the 44th President of the United States. Despite being born into an affluent family in Nairobi, Kenya, George now lives in the slums of this gigantic city. His brother’s presidency has made an impact on his life, as he has been sought after for advice and connection to the White House since then.

The documentary “Brothers & Sisters: The Story of George Obama” follows him as he navigates his newfound fame and attention. The story provides a closer look into George’s life as a Kenyan living in poverty with connections to one of the most powerful places on Earth: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Along with Kevin, a playwright from England, we see how George deals with all that comes with having such a famous brother and what it means to be an Obama in today’s world.

The film is an inspiring account of resilience, both personal and collective. By watching it, viewers will gain insight into how being part of a larger family network can have an impact on our lives and our futures. It paints a vivid portrait through interviews with members of George’s family both near and far, as well as those from his community who know him best. Through this film we get to know George beyond just being Barack Obama’s brother-we get to see him for who he really is – a leader in his own right making positive changes in his home city despite facing immense challenges along the way.

No matter if you are familiar with the Obama name or not, “Brothers & Sisters: The Story Of George Obama” provides an inside perspective into what it truly means to be part of a large family unit; this special offers us more than just sightseeing around Nairobi – it allows us to learn something about ourselves by connecting us directly to people from around globe going through similar experiences but under vastly different circumstances. We highly recommend you watch this captivating documentary – you won’t regret it!

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David B