Behind The Scenes : The Prince Of Monaco’s Kitchen

Jul 26, 2023 | Nature, Videos

The Palace of Monaco is an iconic landmark in the world, renowned for its fascinating secrets and traditions. It has been the home of the royal family Grimaldi since 1297, and through its walls, many events of historical significance have happened. Now, view a sneak peek into this grand palace with a special documentary focusing on the day-to-day life of its staff.

This behind-the-scenes documentary showcases the highly skilled team responsible for maintaining an elegant atmosphere at all times. From chefs to chamberlains, from linen maids to gardeners and silver cleaners – everyone has their part in preserving a legacy that hasn’t changed much since its founding centuries ago. Through this exclusive documentary you can follow H.S.H Prince Albert II and H.S.H Princess Charlène as they are served by one of their most celebrated chefs – Christian Garcia – and observe the incredible precision and attention to detail that goes into every meal or event hosted at the palace.

At its heart, this documentary is about gastronomy as an art form – something that Auguste Escoffier famously stated: “Good cooking is the basis of true happiness”– but it also captures something deeper; how traditions come alive through modernity, making them even more relevant today than ever before.

The documentary gives us a rare glimpse into what takes place within Monaco’s walls; offering us access to events otherwise inaccessible to anyone outside of the royal family’s circle. This incredible look inside may be our only chance to experience part of what makes up Monaco’s identity as an independent state: its culture, cuisine, and hospitality combined together make for an unforgettable evening filled with stories that will stay with us long after we see them on screen.

It’s time to take an unparalleled journey through Monaco’s secrets, with ‘The Politics Divides Men, Gastronomy Gathers Them.’ Watch it today!

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David B