Baarle, a Town of Two Nations

Sep 22, 2023 | Economics, Environmental, History, People, Political, Videos

The international boundary between the Netherlands and Belgium is an unusual one—and serves as the backdrop to a bizarre murder mystery. In the town of Baarle, a woman was found dead in her home, but authorities were unable to investigate—they had to call in a surveyor. This was because the house was literally split down the middle, with one half located on Dutch soil and the other half located on Belgian soil.

This surreal case is explored in the documentary Crazy Borders, which delves into this unique border situation that has caused tensions for centuries. The documentary follows local historian Mattias Beheydt as he attempts to unravel this strange tale. It also highlights how local residents have been impacted by living in such an intricate border space.

Aside from its intriguing subject matter, Crazy Borders offers stunning visuals of Baarle’s unique landscape and how it has been shaped by its two hosts countries. Through interviews with locals, viewers get a rare glimpse into how people deal with living on either side of this geographical divide. But more importantly, it reveals how even something as seemingly simple as a border can complicate everyday life for those living directly within it—sometimes with unfortunate consequences.

If you’re looking for an entertaining and informative story that looks at borders from a unique perspective, then Crazy Borders is well worth watching. With its compelling narrative and beautiful imagery, it will leave you captivated until the very end!

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David B