Assisted Death: The Euthanasia Controversy | Assisted Suicide | Fatal Flaws

Sep 1, 2023 | People, Videos

Fatal Flaws: Legalising Assisted Death takes viewers on a thought-provoking journey through Europe and North America to seek answers to one of the most contested issues of our time. From patients with psychiatric issues to the suicidal with numerous options at hand, the documentary evaluates how these highly debated laws affect society over time. With testimonies and expert opinions from both sides of the issue, the documentary uncovers the far-reaching implications of legalising assisted death.
The film features Dr Boudewijn Chabot, the grandfather of euthanasia in the Netherlands, speaking of the concerning culture shift surrounding euthanasia and how the practice is getting out of hand. Critically acclaimed for its honest undertones, the documentary challenges even the most ardent supporters of assisted dying to question where the laws are taking society. The ongoing cost of treatment is exerting pressure on an already complicated decision-making process. Many are questioning the motives of those making the decisions. Through its gripping narration and powerful visuals, Fatal Flaws makes an inspired foray into this controversial topic, making it one of the most riveting and emotionally charged pieces of documentary filmmaking in recent times.

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David B