Bhutan is one of the most unique countries in the world. The name of the country is Druk Yul, which translates to Land of the Thunder Dragon.

Why the name? Well, it is all because of the weather. There are many violent and large thunderstorms that whip down through the valleys from the Himalayas.

The country is known for its natural beauty, forest conservation, and biodiversity. Bhutan covers 72% forest area, making it one of the largest biodiversity places in the world.

The country has a monarch. King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, a dearly loved figure in Bhutan, relinquished his absolute powers and turned Bhutan into a constitutional monarchy as soon as he was formally made the king.

Under the Wangchuck dynasty, Bhutan has been largely cut off from the rest of the world and unlike other countries measures its prosperity based on Gross Happiness Index and not Gross Domestic Productivity.