America’s Fattest City

Jun 27, 2023 | Health, Social, Videos

Houston Texas is a city of extremes. It’s the fourth largest in the United States, yet it has one of the highest obesity rates in the country. An estimated two-thirds of Texans are overweight and one-third are classified as obese.

The documentary “Fat City: Houston on the Brink” shines a light on this public health crisis and how it affects not only individuals’ health but also the wider community. Through interviews with experts, health policy makers and those living with obesity, this powerful film explores how we can tackle this epidemic head-on.

The film highlights a vital message – that obesity is preventable. There are steps people can take to improve their health, such as exercising regularly, eating nutritious meals and reducing stress levels. We must also acknowledge the social determinants of health which influence our choices about food and activity levels – from access to healthy foods to getting enough physical activity.

We all have to play our part in tackling this problem; whether it’s governments investing in better public health initiatives or individuals making healthier lifestyle choices, everyone can make a contribution. Education is key here; by understanding more about our bodies and how they work, we can become empowered to make better decisions for ourselves and our families.

By watching “Fat City: Houston on the Brink”, you will learn more about this critical issue facing Houstonians today – and be inspired to take action! By taking steps towards living healthier lives, we can help ensure a brighter future for both ourselves and our communities.

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David B