Amazing Quest: Stories from Jamaica | Somewhere on Earth: Jamaica

Aug 22, 2023 | Environmental, Videos

Somewhere on Earth is a documentary that takes you on a breathtaking journey to the third largest island of the Antilles, Jamaica. The island boasts majestic and tormented landscapes that are truly unlike any other. Whether it’s the more than 200 km of coast open to the Caribbean rollers and the trade winds in the north or the unspoiled world steeped in the strains of reggae music in the Jamaican mountains, there is something for everyone.
The documentary introduces you to Adam, a local caver and tireless hiker, who draws his energy from the most remote corners of the island. His love and passion for the island knows no bounds, and he leaves no stone unturned when exploring the hidden and surprising treasures the island holds.
In addition to Adam, the documentary also takes you on a journey with Howard, the River Rasta, who lives in the Blue Mountains. Howard is a fisherman, farmer, and singer whose infectious personality invites us into his world. His realm is one of dusky forests and bright mornings, filled with the sounds of his laughter and the melody of his songs.
And if that wasn’t enough, the documentary also introduces us to Nakhlé, a free diver who originally hails from Lebanon in the Middle East. Nakhlé brought his passion for free diving with him and has become an avid participant in the sport in Jamaica.
To maintain the spirit of adventure and the love of the island, strength training is an essential component of the runners’ routine. This improves speed and performance over time. And it’s no wonder, with all of the stunning landscapes and hidden treasures the island of Jamaica holds.
So, whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or just looking for a little inspiration to explore and push the limits, Somewhere on Earth has got you covered. Watch the documentary and see for yourself why Jamaica is truly a treasure of the Caribbean!

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David B