Amazing Quest: Stories from Hawaiii | Somewhere on Earth: Hawaiii

Oct 12, 2023 | Environmental, Videos

Hawaii, a land with living and breathing landscapes, is a spectacle to behold. From volcanic peaks to the vast turquoise waters of the Pacific, this place exudes an energy like no other. It’s no wonder that the island chain draws in visitors from every corner of the world.
If exploring rough terrains is your thing, the documentary, ‘Hawaii: A Wild Locomotion’, takes the viewer on a journey with Scott, who has traveled the island chain from Waimea Canyon to the Napali Coast. Throughout his trip, Scott discovers the wonder of the island’s earliest inhabitants, a culture that still reverberates through the present day.
Switching gears, we meet Yuko, who is a sailplane pilot on Oahu. This adventurer is always watching for the slightest breeze to take her sailplane and guide her journey.
And finally, we’re introduced to a French astronomer named Olivier who spends countless hours gazing into the Big Island’s night sky from 4207 meters up.
‘Hawaii: A Wild Locomotion’ encourages viewers to explore Hawaii in all its magnificence. And it won’t be just big waves and beaches for you. It’s a place where man is dwarfed by the raw force of nature, illustrating the unique bond between the land and its inhabitants. Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind documentary experience – it’s a must-watch for all those who are yearning to journey to Hawaii!

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David B