Amazing Quest: Stories from Fiji Islands | Somewhere on Earth: Fiji Islands

Aug 5, 2023 | Environmental, People, Videos

Have you ever wondered what life is like in Fiji, an archipelago located in the Pacific Ocean? This paradise is made up of more than 300 islands; only about 100 are inhabited, and each has its own culture and traditions.
The documentary “Fiji: A Sea of Islands” will help you discover the beauty of this Pacific nation, where you will meet locals who are passionate about their land and their heritage.
Get to know Manasa Bulivou from Benga, who takes viewers on a dive with his son Tumbi to feed their guardian angels: the Shark Gods. Witness Hannah Bennett’s journey to Cloudbreak, one of the most beautiful waves in the world, where she proves that surfing isn’t just a sport, but a way of life. And join Franck Boivert as he combs the villages of the outlying islands hoping to discover the rare gem of Fijian rugby.
This documentary will give you a glimpse into the life and traditions of Fijians, as well as their passion for sports and the sea. So, if you’re ready to discover the unique culture of Fiji, don’t hesitate to watch “Fiji: A Sea of Islands.”

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David B