Ai Weiwei is one of the most prolific and influential contemporary Chinese artists and activists. In Ai Weiwei: Without Fear or Favour, an acclaimed documentary released in 2014, audiences are given an intimate look into the artist’s life, work, and history of outspoken activism.

This documentary begins with an exploration of Ai Weiwei’s beginnings as a child in Beijing during Mao Zedong’s reign, highlighting his struggles to be reunited with his father after years apart. It then proceeds to follow the artist through his creative journey across Europe and America while highlighting some of his most famous works such as Sunflower Seeds and Forever Bicycles. The film also showcases how Ai-Weiwei has used art and activism as vehicles for advocating for freedom and human rights in China.

The documentary showcases not only Ai Weiwei’s impact on the art world but also on society at large by showing how he uses artwork to speak up for those whose voices are often unheard or silenced in mainland China yet demands attention around the globe. Through interviews with friends, family members, curators, scholars, and more, the audience is given a window into this inspiring story of courage and determination in the face of adversity.

Whether you are familiar with Ai Weiwei’s work or new to it entirely, this compelling documentary is sure to captivate viewers from start to finish. With its thought-provoking examination of both historical events and modern day issues surrounding censorship and free speech, it will leave onlookers inspired but also challenged to consider their own moral compass and personal beliefs regarding freedom of expression. We encourage you to watch this enlightening documentary about one man’s bold commitment to speaking truth even when it comes at a cost – without fear or favour!