Aftermath of a genocide: Yazidis of Sinjar

Aug 29, 2023 | Environmental, People, Social, Videos

A family held captive by the Islamic State, enduring unimaginable horrors including rape and slavery, now huddles in fear atop Mount Sinjar, the sacred place of their faith. This is the story of Kocher and Mahmood, and their children – a family who, like some 50,000 others, fled the Islamic State’s massacres on August 3rd, 2014, to seek refuge in the highlands.
Unfortunately, the terror has not ceased. Still missing are three of Kocher and Mahmood’s children, and the family finds themselves in a difficult position. Despite the challenges, they hold onto hope and a determination to survive, no matter what comes their way. But can they ever return to their former life knowing the horrors they faced and some of their former neighbors’ collaboration with their captors? Follow the story of Kocher, Mahmood and their family on this gripping documentary.

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David B