A North Korean Diary

Jan 12, 2024 | News, Political, Videos

Luca Faccio, a photographer from Vienna, Italy, has been granted the rare opportunity to visit North Korea seven times since 2005. His travels have given him an insight into the lives of its people and their worldview that no other visitor can achieve.

Typically any journalist or visitor to the country is closely monitored by minders at all times; however, Luca managed to build a relationship with his and was able to see more than what was allowed to be shown. He quickly realized that despite living in a world of repression and indoctrination, the ordinary people of North Korea have the same needs as everyone else. The experiences granted by visitors are often highly censored, leaving many unanswered questions about daily life within this so-called Hermit Kingdom.

In order to give a unique window into North Korea’s reality, Luca filmed a documentary which he titled My Trip To The DPRK. It provides viewers with real footage from daily living in a place where such access is usually restricted. Luca’s film gives us an unprecedented look into the lives of the citizens as well as their struggles and victories while living under oppressive rule. We gain an understanding of their spirit and resilience through his narrative while also witnessing how they cope with everyday life in such an isolated nation.

This thought-provoking documentary offers viewers much-needed insights into one of the most mysterious countries on earth. As Luca’s mission is to educate us about North Korea and make us aware of everyday struggles there, we should come together to support this cause by watching his documentary. Through understanding and knowledge we can work towards breaking down boundaries between cultures while also improving our empathy for those living under extreme conditions.

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David B