A German Christmas market in Dresden

Aug 28, 2023 | People, Social, Travel, Videos

Christmas markets are a beloved tradition in Europe, and at Dresden’s Striezelmarkt Christmas market, everyone wants to conjure up the perfect holiday spirit. More than 230 booths selling handicrafts and mulled wine set the scene, while the legendary Dresden fruitcake known as Stollen is a must-have treat. It’s easy for anyone to embrace the Yuletide spirit here, but it’s not a stress-free endeavor.
Since the terrorist attack in Berlin two years ago, Dresden’s Striezelmarkt Christmas market has been subjected to tightened security measures. Concrete bollards, barriers, and water containers have been installed to keep visitors safe. Police presence has also been increased. Although people understand the importance of keeping everyone safe, it’s still a new normality that everyone is trying to get accustomed to. A documentary by Thomas Gill explores the reality of these measures and how they are affecting the overall festive experience.

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