A Berlin pastor takes a stand

Nov 10, 2023 | People, Social, Videos

Protestant pastor Gottfried Martens is no stranger to helping people in need. When he learned that Christians fleeing religious persecution in Iran were threatened with deportation in Germany, he knew he had to do something. His solution was to offer his church as a sanctuary, giving refugees like Behrad Allehyari a place to stay and protection against deportation. But the road ahead is filled with obstacles for both Martens and the refugees he’s trying to help.
As tensions rise and public opinion shifts, “A Pastor and Sanctuary” offers a glimpse into the lives of those fighting for their right to religious freedom in Germany. With Allehyari’s baptism on the horizon and the threat of deportation ever-looming, the documentary raises hard-hitting questions about human rights, faith, and what it truly means to be a sanctuary.

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David B