Afghan Muscles

Sep 6, 2023 | Sports, Videos

In the war-torn country of Afghanistan, bodybuilder Hamid holds on to his dreams in spite of the chaos around him. He strives for glory and honor through strength and control of his own body.

Hamid’s journey starts in Kabul, a city destroyed by years of conflict, and ends in Dubai, a modern metropolis with a bustling skyline. Along the way, he confronts many obstacles as he searches for food and proteins that will help him meet his ultimate goal.

From being unable to afford protein powder to having access to large gyms with state-of-the-art equipment for training, Hamid’s struggles show just how hard it is for bodybuilders in Afghanistan to follow their dream. Yet despite facing such hardship, he remains determined to reach his goals.

This inspiring story of resilience can be experienced first hand through the documentary “Dreams of Muscle”. The film offers an intimate portrait of one man’s courage and ambition as he fights for recognition in a country where dreams are often crushed by war and poverty.

By watching “Dreams of Muscle”, viewers can get an in-depth look at what life is like for a bodybuilder in Afghanistan. From physical challenges to emotional moments, this documentary provides an insightful glimpse into this often overlooked world – making it an absolute must watch!

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David B