When The Levees Broke

Feb 13, 2024 | Social, Videos

Spike Lee’s When the Levees Broke is a powerful documentary that is sure to leave an impression on viewers. The film chronicles the worst natural disaster in U.S. history: Hurricane Katrina, which wreaked havoc on the city of New Orleans and its surrounding areas in 2005. With four hour-long acts (plus a fifth bonus act included on this DVD release) the film takes us through the events leading up to and following the storm, exposing both the destructive power of nature and governmental ineptitude that left many people with no assistance or resources.

We witness how doomed levees were unable to withstand the onslaught of wind and rain, resulting in catastrophic flooding that destroyed entire neighborhoods and displaced thousands of people from their homes. We also see how local, state, and federal governments failed to adequately prepare for or respond to the tragedy in an effective manner—a national disgrace that continues to have repercussions today.

Lee has crafted an unflinching portrait of human suffering as well as resilience despite despairing odds. Rarely have such devastating events been captured so poignantly onscreen, providing viewers with a sobering reminder of what can happen when government negligence meets Mother Nature’s fury. Through interviews with survivors as well as politicians and celebrities alike, we get an intimate look at individual stories about loss, courage, and hope amidst overwhelming destruction.

When the Levees Broke is both gripping cinema and essential viewing for anyone interested in understanding one of America’s most tragic disasters—and avoiding future ones like it. Don’t miss Spike Lee’s unforgettable documentary: When the Levees Broke will leave you moved by its powerful storytelling and inspired by its message of recovery from adversity.

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David B