Tribal Wives

Jan 11, 2024 | Social, Videos

Six remarkable British women are embarking on a journey to gain insight into female roles in some of the most remote societies on earth, as part of a groundbreaking documentary series. Through the series, these women will be swapping their everyday lives for life as tribal wives and discovering what life is like in communities with different gender roles.

The documentary follows the six women from Britain who are looking to discover how other cultures approach female roles and responsibilities such as family care, child-rearing, work-life balance, and social standing. Pushed by the feeling that something is missing from their own lives, the women will be spending time living with different tribes and immersing themselves into a completely new world.

The extraordinary journey starts off in Africa where we follow two of the participants, Maudie and Nicole, as they stay with the Dinka tribe in South Sudan for one month. The culture shock of having to learn new customs and rules quickly gives way to admiration of the strong bond between community members which sees them all contributing to daily life. In Ghana, we meet Victoria who spends her time at a busy local market learning about how trade works before she moves on to an isolated village where she finds out more about how society functions when people don’t have access to modern day tools or technology.

We also get closer to four more British women who visit Mongolia, India, Togo and Indonesia respectively throughout their journeys. It’s heartwarming to witness how each woman discovers many things during her trip that can potentially shape her own way of living and provide solutions for problems that come hand in hand with modern day life.

This fascinating documentary series provides an eye-opening look into gender roles around the world and encourages viewers not only to think beyond cultural boundaries but also question common notions about femininity and explore different ways of living. If you’re looking for an inspiring watch that gives insight into what it means to be a woman today then this is definitely worth your time!

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David B