The Godfather Legacy – The Untold Story – Part 2

Jan 30, 2023 | Art, History, Social

In the second part of the Godfather Untold Story, the narrative focuses on the third act of the first Godfather movie.

It is that part of the movie that shows how great of an actor Al Pacino is. Pacino successfully managed to transition his character from a war hero who cares for America and is being a little naïve, to a powerful mafia lord.

It is worth noting that at the time Coppola was preparing for the Godfather, there were critics who thought Pacino is not a good choice for Michael Corleone. After all, Pacino had only one movie before the Godfather.

But Coppola believed in the young actor, and he managed to discover one of Hollywood’s most precious gems. Hear from the actors, directors, and everyone else involved in making the Godfather, how Pacino and Corleone created a legacy that lasts for more than 40 years.

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Riyan H.