The Girl Who Survived Rabies

Nov 27, 2023 | Social, Videos

Jeanna Giese is hailed as a miracle survivor—four years ago, she nearly died of rabies without receiving a preventative vaccine. But Jeanna feels her story has the potential to provide life-saving hope to others, and advocates for researchers and doctors to continue their work to ensure this treatment can be perfected and applied to other victims.

At 19 years old, Jeanna reflects on the documentary that was made about her journey—titled “Saved by Grace”—and looks forward to the impact it could have in helping save even more people from this deadly virus. During an interview, she shares: “I feel like there’s something really special about my story that I want to share with people. I believe it could help them if they know what I went through and how much hope there is out there, even if nothing seems certain.”

Since being saved by a unique and experimental procedure, Jeanna has become an inspiring example of courage and resilience. Her remarkable survival has brought international attention to a new treatment approach for rabies which includes an induced coma combined with antiviral drugs known as ‘Milwaukee protocol’—a technique which may have prevented Jeanna from succumbing to the disease. Despite this success story however, medical professionals are still working hard around the world to refine this process so that more lives can be saved in the future.

If you are looking for an inspiring tale of courage and strength in the face of adversity then “Saved by Grace” is definitely one documentary you will not want to miss! Be sure check out this amazing story; it just might give you hope for yourself or your loved ones in times of need.

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David B