
Oct 22, 2022 | People, Social

You probably have heard the saying “hate the game, not the player”. Well, this video exposes the game and the players in a funny, animated, and very real way.

The book “48 Laws of Power” is an amoral, ruthless, and instructive bestseller that is viewed as “the definitive manual for anyone interested in gaining, observing, or defending against ultimate control”.

The 49th Law of Power is you do not talk about the Laws of Power. You should not talk about the manipulative techniques found in the book.

This video, on the other hand, exposes all of the 48 laws of power in a cool and animated way. People always shoot the messenger, making “being honest and speaking the truth a punishing experience”.

Robert Greene wrote a book about intense realism, about seeing things for what they are, whether you like the truth or not. If you find the video helpful and you learn something from it, share it with others.

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Riyan H.