Louis Theroux: Whites

Dec 12, 2023 | Social

Louis Theroux’s award-winning documentary series Weird Weekends takes viewers on a journey of exploration and discovery to some of the world’s most interesting and unique places. In Whites, Theroux examines the country of South Africa during a time of transition after the end of apartheid in 1994. The film follows him as he meets with a subculture of hard-lined separatists who are determined to build their own white-only communities.

Directed by Kate Townsend, Whites takes viewers into the heart of this struggle for identity and survival in post-apartheid South Africa. Through interviews with Eugene Terreblanche, leader of the violent Boer separatist Afrikaner Resistance Movement, we gain insight into views held by some that racial segregation was necessary to preserve minority rule in South Africa. We also learn how those opposed to the new democratic government view Nelson Mandela and his African National Congress movement – something seen as antithetical to their beliefs.

Whites is an eye-opening exploration of life after apartheid and an important reminder that bigotry still exists in parts of our world today. It’s an absolutely riveting watch and sure to have you at the edge of your seat from start to finish. If you’ve ever wanted a better understanding on both sides of post-apartheid South Africa, then Louis Theroux’s Whites is essential viewing!

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David B