Coronavirus in Germany

Sep 9, 2023 | Health, Social, Videos

Life has come to a standstill in Germany as public places including schools, museums, and pubs remain shut. To protect the population from the virus, people are working from home while companies struggle to pay their employees as orders dry up. The country is in a state of emergency and one man is reporting on what has become a new normal. Axel Rowohlt presents a gripping documentary on the impact of the pandemic on the people of Germany.
The elderly and people with pre-existing conditions are living with a constant fear of infection, wondering what will happen if the health-care system becomes overwhelmed. Meanwhile, parents are left asking who will look after their children and how to motivate them to study at home. As Axel Rowohlt delves deeper into the heart of Germany, he uncovers stories of hardship and resilience amid the ongoing crisis. Follow his journey as he paints a vivid picture of life under lockdown in Germany.

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David B