U.S Gangster Marines

May 29, 2024 | Military/War, Videos

The US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) recently released a report that has brought to light an alarming trend in the American military: an increase in gang related activity. This kind of activity is not only a danger to law enforcement officials and national security, but also puts citizens and innocent people at risk of crime and violence.

The FBI report states that gang members are using the US military as a platform to recruit more members, spread their influence, and commit crimes including drug trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering, and weapons smuggling. This raises serious concerns about the safety of our country and its citizens.

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According to a recently released FBI report, Gang-related activity in the US military is increasing and poses a threat to law enforcement officials and national security.


The US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) recently released a report that has brought to light an alarming trend in the American military: an increase in gang related activity. This kind of activity is not only a danger to law enforcement officials and national security, but also puts citizens and innocent people at risk of crime and violence.

The FBI report states that gang members are using the US military as a platform to recruit more members, spread their influence, and commit crimes including drug trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering, and weapons smuggling. This raises serious concerns about the safety of our country and its citizens.

This issue was brought to light by a documentary called “Gangs in the Military”, which examines how gangs have infiltrated America’s armed forces. The documentary features interviews with experts on gang activity as well as veterans who served alongside gang members in combat situations. It provides a sobering glimpse into the reality of gang activity in the US military, and how it threatens not just our soldiers’ safety but also our national security.

As citizens of this great nation, we must take action against these gangs before they have a chance to cause further harm. We should watch this documentary so that we can gain a better understanding of this growing problem and be able to identify potential solutions to it. We must work together with law enforcement organizations such as the FBI in order to ensure that those who threaten our safety are swiftly brought to justice and prevented from continuing their malicious activities.

s brought to light by a documentary called “Gangs in the Military”, which examines how gangs have infiltrated America’s armed forces. The documentary features interviews with experts on gang activity as well as veterans who served alongside gang members in combat situations. It provides a sobering glimpse into the reality of gang activity in the US military, and how it threatens not just our soldiers’ safety but also our national security.

As citizens of this great nation, we must take action against these gangs before they have a chance to cause further harm. We should watch this documentary so that we can gain a better understanding of this growing problem and be able to identify potential solutions to it. We must work together with law enforcement organizations such as the FBI in order to ensure that those who threaten our safety are swiftly brought to justice and prevented from continuing their malicious activities.

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David B