The Real Bonnie and Clyde

May 23, 2024 | History, Videos

The legendary Bonnie and Clyde have been romanticized in Hollywood as glamorous outlaws, but the truth of their life on the run was much more dangerous and difficult. Timewatch takes viewers on a journey through Depression-era America to uncover the true story of this iconic criminal duo. Drawing from exclusive access to gang members’ memoirs, family archives, and recently released police records, this documentary will bring you closer than ever before to the couple’s life of crime.

Experience how Bonnie and Clyde were able to evade capture for so long, even amidst the Great Depression’s poverty and desperation. Go along for their daring robberies across midwestern states, relive their wild love affair, and find out why they still remain engrained in America’s cultural history. This one-of-a-kind documentary promises to provide an unprecedented insight into this notorious pair who captivated a nation’s attention during the 1930’s.


Don’t miss your chance to explore Bonnie and Clyde’s story like never before! Tune in to Timewatch and discover the extraordinary truth behind these two infamous criminals that made them beloved by many while feared by law enforcement everywhere.

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David B