The Tiniest Girl in the World

May 18, 2024 | Health, Videos

Charlotte Garside is the tiniest girl in the world and her story is one of incredible resilience. Born four weeks premature, Charlotte weighed less than 1 and a half pounds and was the size of a baby that was only 16 weeks old – smaller than a credit card. She has been diagnosed with primordial dwarfism, an extremely rare condition so uncommon it doesn’t yet have its own diagnosis in medical records.

As Charlotte approaches her 8th birthday, she has already achieved more than what many thought possible for her when she first came into the world. Against all odds, she has grown to become an independent young girl who loves to be around her friends and family. In fact, despite being born at such a tiny size, she currently stands at just over 3 feet tall!

Charlotte’s incredible story is documented in an amazing new documentary entitled ‘Tiny.’ The film showcases Charlotte’s life-long battle against this rare condition and explores how her family have found ways to cope with all the challenges associated with it. The documentary also features interviews from leading specialists in primordial dwarfism who explain why Charlotte is so special, as well as insights from those closest to her about how they have come together to support her.

This inspirational documentary provides insight into not only how Charlotte lives day-to-day with this condition but also offers hope for others out there living with this same diagnosis. It’s an uplifting tale that truly shows that anything is possible if you put your mind to it – even if you happen to be the tiniest girl in the world!

If you’re interested in finding out more about this remarkable story then don’t miss ‘Tiny,’ available now on DVD and digital streaming platforms. You’ll witness firsthand the struggles and triumphs of this inspiring young lady as well as be encouraged by her determination and spirit!

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David B