Monaco palace secrets

Dec 22, 2023 | Environmental, Videos

The documentary, “Serving The Princely Couple: HSH Prince Albert II and HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco,” offers an unprecedented look inside the Palace of Monaco. Led by head chef Christian Garcia, viewers are given a glimpse into the lives of the royal family Grimaldi and their staff of devoted servants, gardeners, linen maids, silver cleaners and more.

From preparing meals for the princely couple to orchestrating grand receptions celebrated within the Palace walls, these artful attendants ensure that all secular traditions are respected and upheld. To get a full picture of what it takes to serve a royal family, watch this eye-opening film filled with captivating stories from those who have personally experienced life in service to royalty.

“Serving The Princely Couple: HSH Prince Albert II and HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco” is an extraordinary opportunity to take a peek behind the curtain of one of Europe’s oldest ruling dynasties. With exclusive interviews from members of the palace staff and never before seen footage taken inside the castle walls, this documentary will leave viewers feeling inspired by their commitment to tradition and duty.

Don’t miss your chance to see what goes on behind closed doors at Monaco’s Palace! Watch “Serving The Princely Couple: HSH Prince Albert II and HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco” now for an unforgettable journey through one of Europe’s most prestigious courts.

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David B