The documentary, Gasland, follows the story of Josh Fox as he discovers the truth behind fracking and the gas exploration industry. After being offered a tantalizing $100,000 by a gas exploration company to drill on his family’s land in 2008, Fox set out on a quest to learn more about the industry and what it could mean for those living near fracking sites.
His journey brings him from Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale region to Wyoming and Texas, where he speaks with health officials, politicians and citizens whose lives have been forever changed due to fracking. Through these interviews, Fox reveals shocking stories of water contamination and environmental destruction among communities that were once peaceful.
The film also investigates how major corporations such as Halliburton have profited off of the process while local residents are left with little help or support. With stunning visuals and heartfelt stories from real people whose lives have been impacted by fracking, Gasland is an important watch for anyone concerned about climate change or corporate accountability.
Ultimately, Josh Fox found that no amount of money was worth trading away his community’s