The Mayfair Set

May 18, 2024 | Economics, Videos

The documentary by acclaimed filmmaker Adam Curtis, titled “Unreported and almost unseen approach that capital and capital markets have taken since 1945 to gradually take control of the political systems of the USA and the United Kingdom” is one of the most eye-opening pieces of media ever created. Based on extensive research, it outlines how corporate interests have overtaken politics in both countries since World War II. It explains how certain individuals and organizations have been able to manipulate policy, influence elections, and gain power over government for their own personal interests.

From an analysis of politicians’ behavior to a discussion of the history of privatization, this film provides its audience with a comprehensive overview of a disturbing topic that has not received enough attention until now. Through interviews with experts and analysis from former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, as well as an examination of selected documents from business archives, Curtis paints a bleak picture of modern politics where big money controls everything.

In light of all this information, the documentary encourages viewers to think more critically about our political systems; about whether or not our representatives are actually representing us or corporations; about how easily we can be influenced by special interests; and about what can be done to prevent such phenomena from occurring again in the future. It is important for everyone to understand what has occurred over the past 74 years if we are to make sure that our democracy remains strong and vibrant in these uncertain times.

It is not easy to watch at times but it certainly does open up conversations about issues rarely discussed openly on mainstream television or other platforms. For all these reasons, viewers should make an effort to watch Adam Curtis’s “Unreported and almost unseen approach that capital and capital markets have taken since 1945 to gradually take control of the political systems of the USA and the United Kingdom” documentary as soon as possible. Doing so will provide them with valuable insight into why our political system works (or doesn’t) in its current form – something that is essential knowledge for any citizen who wants to stay informed on matters related to democracy these days.

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David B