Million Dollar Traders

May 24, 2024 | Economics, Videos

Do you want to know what it takes to be a successful Wall Street trader? Then watch this fascinating documentary, which follows the journey of eight ordinary people who are given a million dollars, two months to run their own hedge fund, and just two weeks of intensive training.

The experiment was conducted by veteran hedge fund manager Lex van Dam in an effort to prove that anyone—if given the right resources—could become a successful investor. He invested his own money in the venture, expecting a return on his investment if all went well.

But little did he know that his experiment would take place during one of the most turbulent economic periods in recent history—the financial crisis of 2008—leading him and the participants through an unpredictable and sometimes dangerous journey.

Will these ordinary investors be able to beat the professionals and make a killing on Wall Street? Only time will tell as the experiment unfolds. To find out how it all plays out, be sure to watch this captivating documentary. You don’t want to miss this intriguing story!

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David B