Steel Town Down

Oct 12, 2023 | Drugs, Videos

The town of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, has seen darker days in recent years. Once a thriving steel industry hub, the region is now facing widespread despair and limited economic opportunity as a result of the industry’s demise. To make matters worse, an opioid epidemic has taken its grip on the community.

Fortunately, VICE News has taken notice and gone to uncover what’s happening in this small Canadian town with their documentary, Steel Town Down. The film follows individuals who are struggling to make it through these difficult times – people that are trying to survive in an environment where the odds seem stacked against them. It offers insight into the harsh realities of life in these areas and paints a vivid portrait of what’s being lost due to industrial decline.

Steel Town Down is sure to be an eye-opening experience for viewers across Canada and beyond. It highlights how one community is being affected by larger economic shifts yet striving for survival, all while reminding us of the human courage and resilience that can still be found in such dire circumstances.

This powerful documentary promises to challenge our preconceived notions about economic hardship and inspire viewers with tales of strength from those who continue to fight against seemingly insurmountable odds. So don’t miss out on this important look at modern day Canada – watch Steel Town Down today!

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David B