Small Town Ecstasy

Mar 8, 2024 | Drugs, Videos

Scott is a 40-year-old single father of four; Job (20), Craig (18), Heather (15) and Sam (13). He has been exposed to the rave scene and the drug ecstasy by his son Craig, who he goes out with on weekends. While some parents might take their children out for a day in the park or to watch a game, Scott prefers to take his young ones out into the nightlife culture, where they stay up all night dancing and being surrounded by drugs.

However, Scott knows his role as a parent and protector and ensures that his children are safe at all times while in this environment. He makes sure that they are aware of the dangers associated with drugs, while still allowing them to experience something new.

This documentary follows Scott’s experiences as he navigates being an involved father in a world many would consider dangerous. It examines not only the implications of bringing children into a drug-filled environment, but also questions our preconceived notions about parenting in general. It delves into what it means to be a good parent and how much influence one has over their child’s life decisions.

For those looking for an interesting look at modern parenting styles, this documentary is sure to be intriguing and thought-provoking. It offers insights into how one can be both involved in their child’s life yet still remain protective of them. Watch this documentary today and join Scott on his journey as he discovers what it truly means to be an involved yet responsible parent!

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David B