Hungarian Paprika in Danger

Jul 27, 2023 | Culture, Environmental, Videos

Peter Szabo is an experienced pepper producer from Hungary, dedicated to creating the authentic Hungarian paprika. For generations, his family have been passionate about the production of this unique spice – a process which begins with harvesting freshly-picked peppers and then drying them out in the sun or using special ovens. Despite the ancestral know-how and skill passed down through his ancestors, Peter and other small producers like him are facing a number of challenges in today’s globalised world.

In recent years, competition has intensified due to increasingly cheap imports from China – while at the same time, more and more Hungarians are leaving their rural homes for work opportunities abroad. The result is that many small pepper farms have struggled to remain profitable over time. Nevertheless, this hasn’t stopped Peter from continuing to pursue his craft with dedication and enthusiasm.

The story of Peter’s struggles to keep his family business alive in changing times was featured in an award-winning documentary by director Daniel Maurer entitled “Taste of Paprika”. It was praised for its beautiful cinematography and deep insight into life in rural Hungary. If you’re interested in learning more about this traditional craft – or would simply like to appreciate its beauty – we recommend you watch this touching film!

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David B