Female Truckers Take the Wheel

Jul 30, 2023 | Culture, Environmental, Videos

Heavy goods vehicles, such as semi-trucks and lorries, have traditionally been a male-dominated sector. But in recent years, more and more women are taking the wheel of these mammoth vehicles – one such example is Iwona Blecharczyk from Poland. Not only has she become an expert truck driver, she also utilised her success to create an online presence that has made her an international influencer.

Iwona wasn’t always a truck driver – prior to her current career path, she worked as a nurse in a rehabilitation centre for disabled children in Warsaw. She soon realised that this job was not where her heart lay and decided to make a drastic career change. With the help of her supportive family, and some hard work, she managed to secure a commercial licence and began driving heavy goods vehicles all over Europe.

While some may view Iwona’s profession as unusual, it hasn’t stopped her from gaining recognition within the industry. Her dedication to the job has seen her featured in both domestic and international media outlets, leading to praise from fellow drivers and admiration from those inspired by her story. Additionally, Iwona used social media platforms such as YouTube to document her life on the road which eventually rewarded her with followers across the globe. This online presence has made her an international influencer who is able to share valuable advice with others looking to break into transport jobs – or any profession that is usually dominated by men.

To learn more about Iwona’s journey and be inspired by it oneself, there is now a documentary available called “Driving Women” which explores female truck drivers across Europe. The film follows female drivers like Iwona who battle against gender stereotypes whilst finding success within their chosen profession. So if you ever find yourself doubting whether you can achieve your goals despite societal expectations – take some inspiration from Iwona Blecharczyk!

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