Young Kids, Hard Time

Jun 10, 2024 | Crime, Videos

Young Kids, Hard Time is an eye-opening documentary series that examines the lives of children aged 12 to 17 who have been tried and convicted as adults in the American prison system. This is particularly concerning as the United States is among a handful of countries in the world where children can be tried as adults – a reality that is sobering and difficult to comprehend.

The documentary follows these young people’s stories through the Pendleton Juvenile Correctional Facility and the YIA (Youth Incarcerated As Adults) unit of the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility in Indiana. It covers a range of different offences, from theft to parricide, with each case providing insight into both the criminal justice system and its effect on those affected by it. The show paints a vivid picture of these children’s lives within a penal system designed for adults, giving viewers an understanding of what life is like for these young people behind bars, struggling to survive within a system that has failed them.

Young Kids, Hard Time provides an important reminder of our society’s obligations towards its youngest members in order to bring about positive change. We are encouraged to remember that these individuals are still children at heart; they deserve our empathy just as much as any other person trying to build their lives. Watching this series will allow viewers to gain greater understanding into this little-explored part of modern America and hopefully encourage more discussion around this difficult issue.

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David B