Too Young To Die: Sharon Tate

May 19, 2024 | Crime, Videos

Sharon Tate was one of the most iconic figures of the 1960s, and an indelible part of cinematic history. Her tragic death at the hands of Charles Manson’s cult looms large in popular culture, but now her story is being told in a new documentary. “The Sixteen: The Sharon Tate Story” explores how Tate rose to fame as an actress in Hollywood before her untimely end.

Tate’s life began like many fairy tales do, with a happy upbringing and a promising career. She began modeling at just fifteen years old and went on to star in films such as Valley of the Dolls, Eye of the Devil, and The Fearless Vampire Killers. Her roles showcased her range as an actress and she gained recognition from both critics and fans alike. Despite her success, however, Tate’s life ended prematurely at the hands of Manson’s followers in 1969.

The documentary focuses on Tate’s life story as well as her relationships with family members, friends, and colleagues during the time period. It also sheds light on previously unknown details about Manson’s cult following and their crimes against Tate and other victims. Through interviews with those closest to Tate along with archival footage from Hollywood events at the time, viewers are able to gain an intimate insight into Sharon’s world.

The Sixteen: The Sharon Tate Story provides a unique perspective on who Sharon was beyond her achievements in entertainment. It paints a vivid picture of what life was like for this captivating woman during one of history’s darkest hours — while giving voice to those who experienced it first-hand — allowing us all to bear witness to Sharon’s remarkable story once again. For those looking for more information about this legendary icon from the 1960s or just wanting to learn more about this chapter in history; this documentary is essential viewing that may provide some much needed closure for those still grieving over this tragedy decades later.

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David B