Ethiopia: Chronicle of a Massacre

Aug 4, 2023 | Business, Environmental, People, Videos

Sikkim, a small Indian state situated in the Himalayas, has recently taken a bold step towards sustainability and health by completely banning the use of pesticides. This ban has enabled a shift towards organic farming, which promises to provide more nutritious and healthy food for the citizens of Sikkim.

Organic farming is an approach to agriculture that relies on natural methods of growing crops without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Additionally, it helps to protect and foster biodiversity in soils, promoting the growth of beneficial microorganisms that create a healthier environment for plants to grow. The result is often richer flavor profiles in fruits and vegetables, as well as higher nutritional content than their conventionally grown counterparts.

The effects of this ban are already being felt throughout Sikkim. Farmers have reported improved soil fertility and increased yields, with some even reporting they are able to produce three times as much per acre compared to using conventional fertilizers and pesticides. Moreover, the people of Sikkim are now enjoying food free from contaminants like heavy metals, hormones and antibiotic residues – making it healthier both for current generations and those to come.

This revolutionary move has been documented by filmmakers who produced a documentary called ‘Sikkim: Organic Revolution’ that follows individual farmers who have switched from conventional farming methods to organic ones. The documentary highlights the various challenges faced by these farmers while also shedding light on their

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