The 8 Best Documentaries About Calvin Coolidge

Nov 5, 2023 | Best Of, People

Living in the era of technology and instant communication, it’s become easier than ever to access documentaries that illuminate and explore the life of some of America’s most influential figures. One such figure is Calvin Coolidge – the 30th President of the United States. While his presidency was relatively short-lived (1923–1929), many stories have been told about Coolidge, and some of the best documentaries have used his life as an example. We’ve rounded up a list of the best documentaries about Calvin Coolidge that will deepen your understanding of one of America’s most influential presidents. From glimpses into his childhood to stories from those who knew him best, these thrilling documents will take you through Coolidge’s life and legacy in an informative and engaging way.


1.  Calvin Coolidge

John Calvin Coolidge Jr. was an iconic figure in American history, remembered as the 30th President of the United States. He earned his place in history as a Republican lawyer from Vermont, rising through the ranks of Massachusetts state politics to become governor. His decisive action during the Boston Police Strike of 1919 thrust him into the national spotlight and won him admiration for his decisiveness. In 1920 he was elected as the 29th Vice President and succeeded to the Presidency after the sudden death of Warren G. Harding in 1923. He won re-election in 1924, becoming known for his small government conservatism and for being a man of few words, but with a dry sense of humour.


2. Chapter One of the Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge

The Coolidge Foundation has also produced several documentaries about the life and legacy of President Calvin Coolidge. From biographies to a look at the day-to-day life of America’s thirtieth president, these documentaries offer up an in-depth look at one of our nation’s most fabled leaders. One movie tells the story of how Coolidge rose from humble beginnings in the rural town of Plymouth, Vermont to become one of America’s greatest presidents. Another takes viewers on a journey through Coolidge’s incredible career, highlighting his key accomplishments and showing how he was able to bring stability to a nation torn apart by war.


3. Chapter Two of the Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge

The Best Documentaries About Calvin Coolidge offers a unique and intimate look at the life of the 30th President of the United States. These documentaries explore topics such as his rise to power, his policies, and his legacy. From interviews with historians to archival footage from the time period, these films document Coolidge’s presidency in an engaging and informative manner. These documentaries are great resources for those interested in learning more about the life and legacy of President Coolidge.


4.  Amity Shlaes: Calvin Coolidge, Better Than Reagan?

The Best Documentaries About Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President of the United States is an amazing way to dive deeper into the life and legacy of America’s leader in the 1920s. These films help shed light on his pragmatic approach to politics, his business-minded economic strategies, and his personal faith that shaped his time in office. From iconic interviews to insightful historical analysis, these documentaries will inform and entertain viewers of all ages.


5. Episode 30 – Calvin Coolidge

In a recent Washington Post article, Coolidge was lauded for his dedication to fiscal responsibility and the belief that government should keep its hands off of people’s pocketbooks. His “hands-off” approach to economics played a large part in spurring the prosperity of our nation during his presidency. Coolidge’s success led him to be considered one of the most influential presidents of the 20th century.


7. Chapter Four of the Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge

The Best Documentaries About Calvin Coolidge are more than just a look back at the life of one of America’s most respected presidents. They offer insight into his progressive legacy that is still spoken about today in political circles. From his humble beginnings as a small town lawyer to his ascension to the White House, this collection of documentaries celebrates Coolidge’s lifelong commitment to public service.


8. Chapter Six of the Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge

For many, Calvin Coolidge remains a largely unknown figure in American history. But to those who seek to understand the inner workings of one of America’s most influential presidents, taking a look at documentaries about Coolidge can be an invaluable asset. From his early years in rural Vermont and Massachusetts, to his tenure as president from 1923-1929, these films offer a unique perspective into the life and legacy of Calvin Coolidge.


Read On – Our Latest Top Documentaries Lists

David B