The 7 Best Documentaries About The Osmonds

Jan 28, 2024 | Best Of, Music

The Osmonds have undoubtedly been a powerhouse in the entertainment industry since they first emerged onto the scene in the 1960s. Their music, television, and movie appearances have made them a household name for several decades now. But there’s one medium that often gets overlooked when it comes to their famous family – documentaries. Most people are familiar with the Osmonds’ music, but documentaries offer an even deeper look into the lives of the talented family. We collected some of the best Osmond-centered documentaries available to watch right now and created a list with information about each one to make your decision easier.


1. Being The Osmonds

The Osmonds tell the story of their rise to fame and fortune, from humble beginnings to international stardom. They share honest tales of the struggles they faced in achieving success, both as individuals and as a family unit. From financial ruin to heated disputes between brothers, the documentaries exploring The Osmond’s career provide an intriguing look at how hard work and dedication can result in a successful life. The documentaries also touch on the issues of fame, including its pressures, how it can lead to celebrity worship and how it can affect personal relationships.


2. On Tour With The Osmonds – 1973 Documentary

The Osmonds were a huge sensation in 1973, spreading their feel-good music and attitude across the world. From rocking sold out stadiums to contending with the pressures of fame, no journey was too big or small for them. Now you can witness one of the memorable moments of their career with The Best Documentaries About The Osmonds! This documentary series captures the band’s rise to superstardom and their experience overseas with exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and more. Get a front row seat to Osmondmania as you witness the band’s electrifying performance in London as they take on the UK.


3. Osmonds – The Life & Times of The Osmonds – 1999

As a fan of The Osmonds, I have collected some of the best documentaries that showcase their incredible success. From rare concert footage to interviews with the original members and their fans, these films offer an intimate look at one of music’s most beloved families. Whether you grew up listening to their songs or are just now learning about them for the first time, these documentaries provide an intriguing and informative look at the Osmond legacy. From their beginnings on Andy Williams’ show to becoming one of the most successful musical families in history, these amazing films will give you a greater appreciation for The Osmonds and everything they have achieved.


4. 2001 Inside The Osmonds

The Osmonds are a show-business family with a unique story to tell. From their meteoric rise in the 70s and 80s to the tumultuous times they faced, documentaries about this iconic family offer an intimate look into their lives. As viewers, we get an insight into how their professional success put stress on relationships within the family and beyond. This is an intriguing story full of remarkable highs and lows, which is sure to captivate documentary fans. Watch as the Osmonds navigate the trials and tribulations of show-business life and strive to live out their dreams. From all corners of the globe, these fascinating documentaries bring us closer to this unforgettable family whose music has endured for generations.


5. Disneyland Showtime 1970 The Osmonds The Haunted Mansion.

Disneyland Showtime 1970 was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, featuring the legendary Osmonds. From their iconic hit song “Crazy Horses” to unforgettable performances of classic favorites, The Osmonds brought the audience to life with electric energy. But what made this show so special? It took place in one of Disneyland’s most beloved attractions – The Haunted Mansion.


6. The Osmonds In Concert – The FirsTVision Release

This historic event set the stage for The Osmonds to become one of the biggest names in music worldwide. I was fortunate enough to be part of this event’s success and take it global with distribution in Cannes, France. It was incredible to see 40,000 people from all walks of life come together to celebrate something special: a night full of amazing performances by the world famous Osmonds. With their iconic sound and incredible stage presence, it was a night to remember for everyone in attendance. It was also my first experience working on the promotion of a major event, and I am proud of the success that we had.


7. Echos Of Freedom – The Osmonds Fireworks Spectacular

The Osmonds have been a major force in the American entertainment industry for decades. From stage shows to television appearances, they have captivated audiences everywhere with their music and personality since the 1970s. But this family is more than just a singing act – they also tell an incredible story of hard work and success that has made them one of the most iconic families in show business. In 1981, Alan Osmond’s creative vision came to fruition with the “Stadium of Fire” show.

Read On – Our Latest Top Documentaries Lists

David B