The 5 Best Documentaries About Whole Foods

Jan 1, 2024 | Best Of, Food/Drink

Are you looking for a way to expand your knowledge and understanding of the world around us? Documentaries are an amazing tool to gain insight into cultures, beliefs, and stories that shape our lives. Whether you’re a foodie or just curious about the impact of Whole Foods on people’s lives, these documentaries offer incredible information with real-life stories that will captivate you. Here are some of the best documentaries about Whole Foods and how it has changed the way we think about food, nutrition, and our environment. Discover what others have already learned or explore something new—these films will spark your curiosity for sure!

1. The Benefits of a Plant Based Diet & Exercise: Unsupersize Me (Award Winning Doc) | Only Human

Discover the secrets of a better life with Unsupersize Me and Only Human! These award-winning documentaries delve into the power of plant-based diets and exercise. Unsupersize Me follows filmmaker and nutrition advocate Morgan Spurlock as he embarks on a mission to explore how changing his diet could improve his health and wellbeing. In Only Human, viewers follow journalist.


2. Eating You Alive – Diet, Health and Wellness Documentary

Eating You Alive is an eye-opening documentary that dives into the real story behind American diet, health and wellness. Supported by groundbreaking medical research, the film follows eight individuals on their journey to reclaim their health and reveals powerful truths about food that will forever change our understanding of nutrition and how we care about our bodies. Through a series of in-depth interviews with prominent.


3. The Perfect Human Diet – Exploring the obesity epidemic – FULL DOCUMENTARY

The documentary, The Perfect Human Diet, is an in-depth exploration into the obesity epidemic facing many individuals and communities around the world. It uncovers a wide range of crucial information regarding how what we eat affects our overall health.The film takes on an educational approach as it follows filmmaker C.J. Hunt all over the United States and Europe to uncover.


4. PlantPure Nation – MUST SEE Documentary

If you’re looking for an inspiring and eye-opening documentary, PlantPure Nation is a must-see. This film explores the amazing power of plant-based nutrition to improve our health and well-being. It follows leading scientists, doctors, and activists as they investigate the healing power of a whole food, plant-based diet. Through interviews with world renowned experts.


5. Whole Foods Plant-based Diet Saved Her Life | The Exam Room

When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, few things have more importance than nutrition. For some, eating plant-based is the key to unlocking their happiness and wellbeing. That’s exactly what happened when one woman discovered the power of the Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet.The Exam Room documentary follows this woman’s journey from physical and mental decline into a new life of health.


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David B