The 5 Best Documentaries About Thomas Sankara

Dec 10, 2023 | Best Of, Political

The life and accomplishments of Thomas Sankara, the revolutionary leader of Burkina Faso in the 1980s, are widely admired and celebrated. While his impact has been documented across books, films, and articles, a handful of documentaries have worked to capture the legacy that Sankara left behind. If you’re looking for an insightful look into the life and work of the revolutionary, here are the best documentaries about Thomas Sankara. From his humble beginnings to his heartbreaking demise, these movies present a unique perspective into one of Africa’s most influential figures. Join us as we take a look at some of the most inspiring films about Thomas Sankara and explore how he continues to inspire generations of people around the world.


1. Thomas Sankara: An African Revolutionary, Why was He Killed?

Thomas Sankara’s voice reverberated throughout the savannah, stirring the hearts of a nation. His unwavering commitment to justice and equality for all inspired a generation of revolutionaries. As his ideas spread across Africa, so too did his stories – tales of hope and courage as he fought to create a better world for those around him. For years after his death, these stories have been shared and retold, inspiring a new generation to take up the torch of justice.


2. The West and the Assassination of Thomas Sankara

Welcome to the Sankofa Pan African series! In this video, we explore the inspiring story of Thomas Sankara, a revolutionary leader whose ambition and passion for social justice was unmatched in African military leadership. Despite his humble beginnings, Sankara was driven by an unyielding faith in bringing about change and tackling corruption in his country. He joined the military as an avenue to make his dreams a reality and soon rose through the ranks due to his courage and bravery in battle.



A true icon for African youth, Thomas Sankara led Burkina Faso during the first Burkinabé revolution between 1983 and 1987. Now, 25 years after his assassination, Christophe Capelin has released the long-awaited film titled ‘Capitaine Thomas Sankara’. This consists only of archival images – providing a unique insight into the life and politics of Thomas Sankara. It is both a tribute to a revolutionary figure and an exploration on how his actions continue to echo in Burkina Faso today.


4. How Thomas Sankara Exposes Democracy In Africa

Thomas Sankara has become a controversial figure among those who promote democracy. Many claim that the African nation he led did not adequately hold elections and as such was an undemocratic regime, with its leader deserving criticism rather than praise.In contrast, African countries with regular and fair elections have been lauded for their commitment to true democracy and for their efforts in upholding the ideals of freedom and equality. However, there is much to be learned from Thomas Sankara’s rule that can help us to better understand the complexities of African politics and the challenges faced by African nations in striving for democracy.

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David B