The 12 Best Documentaries About Camels

Aug 16, 2023 | Animals, Best Of

Are you a fan of camels? If so, then you’re in luck! We have the top five documentaries about these amazing creatures that will give you an inside look into their lives. From how they survive in harsh desert climates to their unique behavior and social structures, each of these films provides an intriguing glimpse into the world of one-humped wonders. From the hardworking dromedary to the two-humped Bactrian, these movies offer an unforgettable look into the lives of camels. So grab your popcorn and settle in for a truly unique experience – it’s time to explore the wonderful world of camels through some of the best documentaries about them.


Punmaran, a cameleer of the Thar desert in India, leads his caravan of 250 camels through this desolate terrain. He is an intrepid explorer and merchant, transporting men and goods on these majestic beasts who have earned their stripes over hundreds of years. Punmaran has become one with nature – and he can feel the sand beneath his feet as he escorts his beloved camels to their destination. With a creative spirit, Punmaran is able to traverse the desert and share its beauty with others. He has truly become master of this unforgiving landscape.


It’s hard to imagine now, but centuries ago, camels were the backbone of the Middle East. They carried people from place to place and carried goods from trading caravans across deserts that seemed like never-ending expanses. But there was one man who knew these creatures better than anyone else – the camel herder. He was responsible for taking care of these animals and ensuring that they were used as safely, and to their utmost potential. The life of a camel herder was hard work but also incredibly rewarding. On any given day, he would have to tend to his herd, ensure they had plenty of water, and look after any injuries the camels may have suffered. He would also need to be on constant guard, looking out for predators that could potentially harm his animals.


The Australian outback, a vast and arid landscape, was the perfect testing ground for camels. Brought to Australia from Pakistan and India by the British in the mid-1800s, these highly valuable animals were made to do all the heavy lifting of exploration and load-carrying – something that no other animal could have done. But by the early 1900s, camels were no longer needed in Australia. Trucks and trains had taken over their duties, leaving them without a purpose. In response, the South Australian government ordered that they be destroyed – an order which was met with deep protest by the Asian camel herders who had made their homes in Australia. In defiance of this ruling, these brave individuals released the animals into the wild, setting them free to roam Australia’s outback. As a result, Australia is now home to the world’s largest population of wild camels – an estimated 1.2 million creatures whose ancestors were once integral in exploring and establishing modern Australia. Sadly, these camels are now seen as a problem by the Australian government. Their raids on small towns in search of water, and their competition with livestock are seen as damaging to the environment. As a result, millions of dollars have been set aside to cull almost one third of these majestic creatures – a decision which has outraged Qataris and other Arabs who hold camels in high regard for their cultural, historical and economic contributions.


‘Eye of the Camel’ is an awe-inspiring documentary that captures the raw beauty and grandeur of Arabia’s sandscapes. Following a nomadic family, viewers travel through deserts, oases, and mountains to witness one of nature’s most unbelievable phenomena. As they explore this unexplored terrain, they get an intimate look at the people who call it home and their unique way of life. The documentary presents a vivid picture of Arabia’s lands and its inhabitants. Through exquisite cinematography, viewers are able to experience the raw beauty of the desert – from its vast open spaces to its sweeping dunes and rugged mountains. The narrative also captures generations-old traditions, featuring traditional music and performances that highlight the depth and diversity of Arabian culture.


The majestic, two-humped Bactrian camel has long been an icon of creative power in the arid desert lands of Central Asia. As human activity has increased and the world population continues to grow, this iconic creature’s habitat is rapidly becoming threatened. Despite its importance to the region, the Bactrian camel is now classified as “Critically Endangered” by the World Wildlife Fund. In order to save this species from extinction, it is vital that we take steps now to not only protect its habitat and stop hunting of these animals but also raise awareness about their importance in our world. The Bactrian camel has long been a symbol of creative power in the region, and its extinction would mean losing an incredible part of our collective human experience.


Have you ever wondered where camels come from and why they roam the desert? It’s actually a fascinating story that has been studied by historians for centuries. The truth is, camels are thought to have first originated in what is now the Middle East about 3,000 years ago. They were originally domesticated as pack animals and used to transport goods, but as years went by they were also used for human transportation and even military purposes. Today, camels are still an integral part of Middle Eastern culture. They often take part in traditional camel races, where local tribes compete for bragging rights – and the occasional prize money. Then there’s the famous trans-Saharan camel treks which span thousands of miles, from Morocco to Timbuktu. Camels are truly amazing creatures. They can survive without food and water for days on end, making them perfect for traversing the harsh desert climates of the Middle East. Plus they’re incredibly strong and can carry heavy loads that would be impossible for a human to lift.


The elephant and camel have long been a symbol of power and grace throughout many cultures in history. These two majestic creatures share a unique bond, uniting them through their intelligence, strength, and loyalty to one another. These animals are known for their loyal protection of their herd and families. Elephants have been known to go out of their way to protect even the youngest of members, sacrificing themselves for others without hesitation. With a sharp sense of smell, they can detect danger from far away, making sure to alert their family before it’s too late. Similarly, camels are renowned for their ability to traverse immense distances in one day, and their tireless endurance in the face of extreme conditions. Such is their resourcefulness that they can often find food even when there is none to be found, making them a valuable asset for travelers. Elephants and camels have been seen as a symbol of hope, good luck, and fortune in many cultures throughout history and even today. These animals are a testament to the resilience of nature, and the strength that comes from family bonds. Together, they make an incredible team, able to traverse obstacles and protect each other in any situation.


Australia is home to some amazing creatures, and camels are no exception! From the majestic red sand dunes of the outback to the lush hillsides of coastal Queensland, these interesting mammals have been roaming the land Down Under for centuries. Camels are incredibly tough animals, able to withstand hot temperatures and traverse long distances without food or water. They have proven to be a reliable mode of transport, carrying supplies with ease across the harsh desert terrain. In recent times, camels have become an increasingly popular tourist attraction in Australia. People from all over the world flock to Western Australia for camel rides along white sandy beaches, trekking through picturesque landscapes and even swimming with them.


The story of prophet’s camel is one that has been told for centuries. It is a story of faith and courage, and the power of believing in something greater than yourself. Long ago, there was a great man who lived near the desert – a man of deep faith and conviction. He had a camel that he loved like it was his own child. But, the desert was harsh and the man’s faith was tested every day as he tried to make ends meet by caring for his beloved creature. One night, the man had a dream in which an angel appeared before him and told him that since he had been so faithful in baptizing his camel with water from the well of faith, he was being rewarded with a special gift. In the dream, the angel said that his camel would live forever and never age – an incredible blessing! When morning came, the man awoke to find that his beloved camel had indeed become immortal. He rejoiced in this wonderful miracle and thanked God for His mercy and grace. From then on, the camel was known as “Prophet’s Camel” and has become a symbol of faith throughout the Islamic world.


The camel is a creature of extremes when it comes to navigating the toughest terrains, and our documentary goes beyond the ordinary to uncover the mysteries of one of nature’s giants. From exploring its remarkable anatomy to examining how it has adapted successfully over centuries, “Inside Nature’s Giants: Camel” takes you on an epic journey. Using some of the world’s leading experts, we delve into the amazing adaptations that have equipped this noble beast to survive in its harsh environment, from its large lungs and internal water-cooling system to its specially designed double row of eyelashes and unique humps that can store up to 80kg in fat reserves.


Camel carcasses can be some of the most dangerous things that a human can encounter. Not only are these animals large and powerful, but they also pose the risk of releasing harmful toxins when touched. When this happens, humans may suffer from severe allergic reactions or even bacterial infections that could prove to be fatal. An additional danger is in the form of touching a dead camel that has been infested with parasites, such as tapeworms and ticks. These can easily latch onto people’s skin and cause them to become ill. Even more concerning is the fact that these parasites could be passed on to humans in areas where they are prevalent. While it may seem like a harmless gesture, touching a dead camel carries a lot of risks. It is important to stay away from them and alert the authorities if one is found in the area. Doing so can help ensure that people stay safe from any potential danger that could be encountered by handling an expired animal. By understanding the risks, humans can better protect themselves from harm when they come across these dangerous creatures.


For centuries, the Yörüks, a nomadic tribe in Anatolia have celebrated their culture with an annual festival known as camel wrestling. Held annually from December to March on Sundays in towns in western Turkeys Aegean Region, this event is a unique blend of competition and traditional pageantry. The heart-stopping excitement begins as the two camels are led to the arena, adorned in colorful costumes and headgear – all with an aim to make them look bigger and more heroic. The camel owners, or ‘vekil’ then walk around their beasts, encouraging them to stand taller and roar louder. The resulting cacophony of braying and shouting creates an atmosphere that is both exciting and intimidating. Once the camels have locked horns and begun to wrestle, the event takes a thrilling turn as they wrestle fiercely with each other. The vekil then intervene and shout words of encouragement to their camel to make it perform better, while also attempting to tire out its opponent. The show climaxes with a winner being declared by the referees, and the victor’s owner receiving a prize of money, jewelry or carpets. Camel wrestling is symbolic of Yörük culture and heritage, as well as an important part of Turkish life. It is a testament to their resilience and determination to keep their traditions alive despite all odds. The Yörüks consider the festival to be one of their most important cultural activities, where they come together to celebrate their history and pass it on to future generations. With its vibrant costumes, thrilling action and distinctive fanfare, camel wrestling is truly a unique experience that captures the spirit of this fascinating culture. It is an unforgettable occasion for both locals and tourists alike, and visitors are encouraged to join in the festivities with traditional music, dancing and of course a few camel rides.

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David B