The 10 Best Documentaries About Coronavirus

Sep 18, 2023 | Best Of, Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the most devastating global events in recent memory. From its beginnings in Wuhan, China to where it stands today, coronavirus has taken a heavy toll on both individuals and nations alike. However, amidst the fear and uncertainty that have come with this virus have also risen some inspiring stories of courage and hope. With that in mind, here is a list of the best documentaries about coronavirus and its effects on the world today. From tales of survivors to accounts from medical personnel, these films will help you understand the pandemic from multiple perspectives.


1. Coronavirus Pandemic (full documentary) | FRONTLINE

FRONTLINE takes a look at the cold hard facts of America’s response to one of the biggest global health crises in recent history with its documentary, Coronavirus Pandemic. This unflinching examination examines how Washington State helped shape a new normal for citizens and what was behind the decisions made by our nation’s leaders. With unprecedented access to key players, including the White House coronavirus task force, the documentary provides a revealing and in-depth look at both the preparation for and reactions to this pandemic.


2. The first documentary movie on CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus

As the CCP virus continues to spread globally, many are left wondering what caused this pandemic. Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus is a documentary movie that seeks to answer these questions. The film explores how this virus came to be and provides insight into why it is so dangerous. Through interviews with scientists, public health experts, and researchers, viewers get a comprehensive look at the origin of the virus and what can be done to prevent similar pandemics in the future. In addition, this informative documentary discusses how governments around the world are responding to this outbreak and outlines strategies for mitigating its spread.


3. How coronavirus is changing the world

The coronavirus pandemic has drastically changed the world as we know it. Democracies and authoritarian states alike are all facing their own challenges from this global crisis. To gain an understanding of how different nations are reacting to the virus, a team of investigators is traveling around the world and meeting with virologists, health experts, and citizens in order to find out where the fight against COVID-19 is working and where it isn’t. Through their research, this team is learning how the virus is impacting our world – from the implications on civil liberties to global economic trends. Their findings will paint a picture of how different countries are responding to the coronavirus and what strategies have been successful in battling its spread.


4. Corona’s consequences – how the pandemic is changing globalization

The coronavirus crisis has shone a light on the interconnectedness of our globalized economy. The pandemic-related lockdowns have caused immense disruption to supply chains and industries around the world, leading many to question whether it marks the beginning of the end of globalization as we know it. This documentary explores how Covid-19 is transforming international trade and commerce. What are the economic, political and social ramifications of global supply chain disruption? How is the pandemic changing our views on globalization? The film delves into these issues with experts from governments, industries, and society to provide critical insight into how coronavirus is reshaping our relationship with the world


5. Documentary: Life in lockdown under coronavirus

Life in the UK has been completely transformed by the coronavirus pandemic. People across the nation have had to make drastic changes to their everyday routines and lifestyles. Sky takes an insightful look at how these adjustments are playing out on the ground, taking viewers into homes and families all over Britain. This documentary examines how people have coped with life under lockdown, exploring their unique stories of resilience and determination during these difficult times.


6. Coronavirus complications

One of the long-term effects of coronavirus is that even those who recover from a mild case may experience post-viral health complications. Patients as young as 20 years old, without any underlying conditions, have found themselves dealing with ongoing symptoms and questions about their future health. In response to this trend, doctors around the world are researching how best to care for their patients in the aftermath of coronavirus. They are looking to study how best to manage long-term effects, what therapies may be available, and what lifestyle changes may need to be made for optimum recovery.


7. The Month Coronavirus Unraveled American Business

The Wall Street Journal has put together a powerful documentary that, through interviews with 12 prominent executives and business leaders, provides an inside look at the fast-moving events of March 2020. This video tells the story of how the coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc across American business and forever changed the landscape of business in the United States. It also provides an insightful look at how companies had to make quick decisions and huge adjustments in order to survive the tumultuous period. This is a must-watch for anyone wanting to gain insight into how quickly businesses were forced to adapt, and understand what it takes to survive unprecedented times.


8. Corona in Italy

In Northern Italy, the effects of COVID-19 were felt deeply. Markus Frings and Marco Polo, both from South Tyrol, traveled through the region with special permission and took careful precautions to protect themselves from infection. Equipped with masks and gloves, they captured footage of checkpoints and street cleaners disinfecting the area at night. In addition, they spoke to virologists, business owners and citizens to gain firsthand insight into the struggles they were facing.


9. Coronavirus: Is Britain Ready

Brighton is under scrutiny as the first location in the UK to experience a cluster of Coronavirus cases. Schools, doctors offices and citizens have all taken steps to protect themselves and others, resulting in many pressing questions about how prepared Britain is for this pandemic. The government has implemented stringent regulations in an effort to contain the spread of the virus, but with the threat of a second wave looming, it is important to take proactive measures to remain healthy and safe. Documentaries about Coronavirus offer insight into how Britain has responded to this crisis, and provide valuable information for citizens who wish to stay informed and protect themselves.


10. Coronavirus: America’s Reckoning

This gripping documentary by Sky News’ US Correspondent Cordelia Lynch uncovers the profound effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the world’s most powerful nation. Journey with her as she dives deep into this devastating event and captures its humbling impact in a way like never before. This must-watch film offers a unique insight into how one virus changed the course of history for so many. Don’t miss out on this very special glimpse into America’s reckoning with a pandemic unlike anything it has ever faced before.

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David B