The 10 Best Documentaries About Plants

Oct 14, 2023 | Best Of, Nature

Are you curious to learn about the wondrous world of plants, but don’t have enough time to get out in nature and explore? With the power of modern documentary filmmaking, now you can take a close look at some of the most remarkable plant species from around the world – without leaving your couch! Here are some of the best documentaries about plants that will bring bot to life. Whether you’re a novice gardener or an experienced horticulturalist, these films are sure to be both educational and entertaining. So grab some popcorn and settle in for a fascinating exploration of plants.


Would you be surprised to learn that plants can think, communicate and have emotions? This amazing documentary takes viewers on a journey through nature. Uncovering the mysteries behind how plants interact with their environment, communicate with each other, and even develop memories and feelings. Using groundbreaking research and incredible footage from around the world, this documentary shows you how plants are much more than just decor in our lives. From the high mountain peaks of South America to the lush jungles of Africa, we explore the wonders and secrets of these incredible living beings. Find out how plants develop strategies for survival in their ever-changing environments and even prove that they can learn from experience. See the amazing capabilities of plants as they take on tasks like problem solving and even forming bonds with other species.


It is time to recognize the amazing power of the plant kingdom! We too easily take for granted the gifts that nature has bestowed upon us. From a single seed, an entire ecosystem can grow and thrive. We can harvest foods, medicines, and energy from these living things with minimal effort or cost. Plants are not defenseless either; they have adapted to survive in the harshest conditions. From arid deserts to acidic swamps, plants have evolved mechanisms that allow them to thrive in any environment. Yet we so often overlook their resilience and ignore their potential. It is time to honor our vegetal kin! We can learn from the plants’ unwavering perseverance and find inspiration from their adaptability. Let us recognize the incredible potential of plants and look for ways to better utilize their unique gifts. Together, we can create a future that celebrates nature’s many wonders.


Have you ever stopped to think about the amazing and bizarre plants that exist in this world? From the flower that blooms only for a mere few days, to the one whose petals resemble a beautiful naked lady – trust us when we say there’s no shortage of fascinating plants out there. If you’re looking to make your garden bigger, bolder, and better than ever, why not check out the following 15 plants that you won’t believe actually exist? From the snow lotus to the dragon fruit cactus – prepare to be amazed by what nature has in store! No matter your style or preferences, your garden can be filled with an incredible array of colors and shapes. Take the carnivorous pitcher plant for example. Imagine having a plant in your garden that can actually catch and digest small insects! Or, what about the rare and unusual ghost orchid? The delicate white petals of this flower will surely make any garden stand out from the crowd.


Plants aren’t exactly known for their behavior, but going against the grain is experimental plant ecologist JC Cahill. His mission is to revolutionize how we view these living things and prove that they may in fact be more than just rooted trees and shrubs. From his studies, Cahill has observed plants exhibiting behaviors such as mating rituals, aggressive competition for resources, and even an ability to sense danger. While still uncertain as to whether these traits are instinctual or learned, Cahill hopes his work will bring about a shift in public opinion on the subject of plant behavior. With further research, we may soon begin to understand them a bit better. Who knows – perhaps one day plants may even be able to communicate with us.


Plants have come up with a clever way to ensure their continued survival; they enlist animals, primarily birds and insects, as unwitting transporters of their spores. As the animals go about their day-to-day lives, unwittingly picking up bits of plant matter along the way, the plants gain a massive advantage in spreading their spores across large distances. This ingenious trick by the plants helps to ensure their propagation and has allowed them to survive in otherwise harsh environments. This method of inter-species transportation has proven incredibly successful, with many species relying almost exclusively on animals for spreading their spores. It is a remarkable example of how plants have been able to adapt to their environment over millions of years.


El Hadji Salifou Ouédraogo has a passion for nature, and he puts that passion into action. For 47 years, he has been nurturing thousands of baobab trees from tiny seeds to expansive forests. His commitment to the trees has provided a lifeline for his family, village, and the Earth itself! The Man Who Plants Baobabs, a film by Michel K Zongo, tells the inspiring story of this incredible man. Bringing his creative eye to the project, Michel captures Ouédraogo’s spirit and dedication to creating something that will benefit future generations. As an Academy (‘Oscars’) member since 2020, Michel is no stranger to success. He has also been the artistic director of Koudougou Doc Festival for several years and created three feature-length documentaries that have garnered praise at home and abroad. Michel’s latest film celebrates El Hadji Salifou Ouédraogo, who demonstrates the power of passion and dedication in protecting nature’s future. The Man Who Plants Baobabs is a testament to the power of perseverance and hope in times of struggle. The film highlights the importance of preserving ecosystems all over the world, showing how one man can make a significant impact—and future generations will reap the rewards.


This documentary explores how we have become a society dependent on unhealthy eating habits. We delve into the history of plant-based diets and highlight the many health benefits they can provide. Featuring interviews with nutritionists, medical professionals, and everyday people, our film sheds light on just how easy it is to make the switch from animal-based products to sustainable, plant-based alternatives. We investigate the power of these diets for reversing chronic illness and disease. We uncover why a diet based around grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables and nuts can help alleviate symptoms such as inflammation, digestive issues and even cancer. Our experts also discuss the importance of conscious eating and how it can drastically improve overall health. By exploring the power of plant-based diets, this documentary aims to empower viewers with knowledge that will help them lead healthier lives. We cover information about nutrition, preparing meals, creating sustainable shopping habits and more. Viewers leave our film understanding exactly how to make the switch to a plant-based lifestyle.


When you think of nature, you might conjure up peaceful images of lush meadows and tranquil forests, but lurking in the background can be some hidden dangers. From prickly cacti to deadly nightshade, these plants are not to be trifled with. Here we will explore some of the most dangerous plants in the world and how to avoid them. Let’s start with cacti. While many of us have a soft spot for these desert dwellers, there are certain species that contain spines so sharp they can easily puncture skin. Not only are their needles dangerous, but some cacti also house toxins within their flesh that can cause nausea and other uncomfortable symptoms. To avoid cacti-related injuries, be sure to wear protective clothing when around them and resist the urge to pet! Next up is a plant that looks harmless but can cause serious harm if ingested: nightshade. This flowering herb has been used for centuries in remedies and magical potions, but it also contains toxins that can lead to death if consumed in large amounts. As the name suggests, nightshade is extremely poisonous and should be avoided at all costs.


Converting our petroleum-based market economy to renewable resources may prove beneficial for many of the world’s biggest issues. With biobased economic systems, scientists, politicians and industrialists are optimistic about replacing coal and oil with plants, fungi and insects as major sources of raw materials – while microorganisms could be used to produce chemicals. But even these renewable resources come with new potential hazards. Land appropriation, the destruction of habitats and biodiversity – as well as the exploitation of nature for economic gain – are all risks that come along with a biobased economy. To avoid these environmental impacts and to make sure our natural resources remain sustainable, we must consider every part of this cycle; from production to processing and final products. What can be done to ensure that the biobased economy is an effective and sustainable solution? We must focus on research, education and best practices. We need to continue to invest in eco-friendly technologies and solutions that will put us on a path to creating a green future. But most importantly, we must seek out collaboration between industries, governments and individuals so that we can move forward together. This will ensure that the biobased economy remains a viable solution for decades to come. this in mind, we should be sure to leverage the power of collective action and make an impact on our planet, environment and future generations for the better.


Have you ever wondered what plants are capable of communicating? It’s a question that has baffled scientists for centuries. But now, new groundbreaking research is bringing us closer than ever to unlocking the mysteries of plant language. Join us on an incredible journey into the secret world of plants and discover what they have to tell us. From a fascinating look into the world of photosynthesis, to exploring how plants can sense and respond to their environment, this documentary will take you on an enlightening journey into uncharted scientific territory. We’ll examine how plants communicate with one another and uncover evidence of chemical signals that plants use to interact with other species, such as insects and fungi. We’ll also explore the many ways that people and plants interact, from traditional medicinal practices to modern-day agriculture.




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David B