The 10 Best Documentaries About Juicing

Jul 14, 2023 | Best Of, Health

Juicing is becoming more and more popular, with juicers everywhere and juice bars popping up all over the United States. But what about the people who have made a real difference in their lives by incorporating juicing into their everyday routine? These inspiring stories are captured in some of today’s best documentaries on juicing. From celebrities to everyday people, these documentaries provide an insight into how powerful this practice can be for both physical and mental health. So if you’re looking for inspiration or just want to learn more about juicing, look no further than these five amazing films!


1. The Joy of Juicing

Are you looking for a way to increase your energy levels and improve your health? If so, then this documentary is perfect for you! Join Gary Null as he takes viewers around New York City talking to people about their approaches to health. Discover the vital properties of natural foods that can help reverse diseases. Learn what juices are best and how they should be prepared in order to gain more energy, optimize your immune system, and achieve weight loss goals. Get useful tips on healthier living habits through proper dieting and exercise routines while also achieving skin rejuvenation benefits. This documentary will show you the regenerative power of home juicing which can offer full potential optimization with better health outcomes!


2. Jason Vale: Super Juice Me!

Are you looking for a way to improve your health and wellbeing? Look no further than juicing! In this documentary, Jason Vale, author of the best-selling health books in the UK, follows 8 people with 22 different conditions over 28 days as they drink freshly extracted juice. The results are amazing: some manage to completely cure their chronic diseases and others find relief from ulcerative colitis or asthma. Don’t miss out on this chance to learn more about how juicing can help you improve your life!


3. Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

Do you want to learn how one man was able to make a significant transformation in his life? Then watch this documentary, “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead,” as Joe Cross shares his story of losing 100 pounds through drinking raw fruit and vegetable juice. Follow him on his 60-day journey as he documents the incredible changes that come from juicing. Along the way, he gets an unexpected call from someone who wants to buy his car because it hasn’t been driven in so long! This is a must-watch if you’re looking for inspiration and motivation to make big changes in your life.


4. Juicing for Glowing Skin, Weight Loss & Transformation with Jason Vale

Are you looking to unlock a new world of health and wellness with freshly extracted juices? Join James in this episode as he interviews Juice Master, Jason Vale. Jason is a man on a mission to “juice the world” with his best-selling books, number 1 apps and groundbreaking documentary SuperJuiceMe! Learn about the in’s and out’s of juice cleansing for healing and detoxification. Discover how consuming freshly extracted juices can be the key to unlocking your potential for improved health.


5. FAT: A Documentary 2

Are you confused about what to eat for optimal health? When it comes to food, there are a lot of myths and lies out there. FAT: A Documentary 2 sheds light on the conflicts between plant eaters and meat eaters and how hidden machinations in the food industry play a role in our beliefs about healthy eating. Join Vinnie Tortorich as he talk with experts from around the world who offer insight into this age-old question – “What should I be eating?” Don’t miss out on this international sensation that will help you make better decisions when it comes to your diet!


6. Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead 2

Do you want to know how to stay healthy and fit for the long-term? Joe Cross is back with his documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 which examines the lifestyle choices that impact overall health. Throughout this story, Joe meets with experts who provide realistic solutions and strategies on how to make sustainable improvements in eating behaviors and health. Don’t miss out on this award-winning documentary where he shares his journey from overweight and sick to healthy!


7. Fast food, Fat profits: Obesity in America

Fault Lines looks into this issue, exploring how cheap food for those living at the margins has resulted in an epidemic of processed food in American schools and lack of access to healthy options. Follow Josh Rushing as he speaks with experts like Marion Nestle, Marlene Schwartz, John Bode and Nelson Eusebio about their efforts to fight back against these issues through food revolutions across America. Also meet J. Justin Wilson, Dr. Olajide Williams, Lauren Von Der Pool, Julie Paradis, Cathal Armstrong and Ed Bruske who all share their stories on this pressing issue that affects us all!


8. Eating You Alive – Diet, Health and Wellness Documentary

Eating You Alive is a powerful documentary about how what we eat affects our health and wellness. It features compelling insights from leading medical researchers, as well as celebrity endorsements from James Cameron, Suzy Amis Cameron, Samuel L. Jackson, and Penn Jillette. Explore the ways in which you can prevent or even reverse chronic diseases with diet through this inspiring film! See real-life testimonies of individuals who have healed themselves with whole foods — it’s time for a revolution in healthcare starting with your next bite! Directed by Paul David Kennamer Jr., Eating You Alive is an essential watch for anyone interested in exploring the connection between food and health.


9. The hidden cost of orange juice

Do you know how orange juice is harvested and what it costs the workers? This documentary takes an eye-opening look at the realities of Brazil’s orange harvesting industry. From interviews with laborers, to trade unionists, former plantation owners, and representatives from the German juice industry – this video explores the hidden cost behind our favorite drink. Learn about exploitation and poor working conditions faced by many orchard workers as they carry 1.6 tons of fruit a day in all weathers; no personal protective gear or place for proper meals. Uncover why so many people have no other choice but to take on this exhausting work in order to feed their families.


10. Why I Did A 120 Day Juice Fast

Juicing has been a part of my life since 2019. I had to make the difficult decision to commit to a 120 day juice fast, and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. This documentary will take you on my journey as I explain why and how this transformation changed my life for good. Join me as I share the story behind why juicing became such an important part of my life!

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David B