Arab sheikhs and Russian oligarchs fight to own the most luxurious ship

Nov 9, 2023 | Aviation, Economics, Environmental, History, Media, News, People, Technology, Videos

The world’s largest private yacht, the 180-meter-long Azzam, is a testament to the lavish lifestyles of the ultra-wealthy. Owned by the Emir of Abu Dhabi, it cost around 600 million euros and features exquisite luxury furnishings designed by renowned architects like Philippe Starck. This incredible vessel is just one example of the epic yachts owned by Arab sheikhs, Russian oligarchs, and American billionaires vying to own the most lavish vessels afloat.

But what does this league of luxury really look like? A new documentary takes viewers right onto some of these ultra-expensive yachts, offering a glimpse into an unseen world of opulence and extravagance. Norwegian ship designer Espen Oeino provides exclusive insights from his career designing these extravagant vessels for wealthy buyers. He’s heard some outrageous requests over the years – including helipads – making sure that no luxury is spared in creating these extraordinary floating homes.

From luxurious spas and gyms to truly sophisticated dining halls and sublimely decorated cabins, there’s no question that mega yachts are among the most impressive feats of modern engineering when it comes to leisure craft. So if you’re wondering what life looks like at its most decadent level, be sure to check out this exciting documentary which takes you straight inside some of these luxurious vessels!

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David B