Barack Obama v Mitt Romney – It’s Rap

Nov 6, 2022 | Comedy, Economics, Political, Videos

With US General Elections looming this sideways look at the battle between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney is epitomised by this mickey take rap session loaded with political satire. Despite the nature of this unstuffy approach, it does attend to some of the key issues and thoughts of the “Common People”.

You should watch the electoral debate (covered on Documentarytube) between these two and then this short video to see the parallel between the two.

The manipulation and general policies are passed as challenges between the two mock candidates in this rap session…a fun worthwhile watch even if you are a “stiff shirt”.

If you wish to know some of the facts and figures surrounding this lead up battle go to this site dedicated to the comparisons…go there and make your own decision…

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Riyan H.